Cavities. They're nothing new.
Tooth decay, caries, or the word you are most fearful of hearing when at the dentist, cavities. All mean that bacteria has seeped into your tooth and is eating away at your pearly whites. It's comforting to know that today, when you have a tooth ache you can call the dentist and he can fix you right up! However, people weren't always so lucky. Archeologist's say tooth decay dates far back into prehistory.
Between one and 4 million years ago hominids, living in Eastern Africa called Australopithecus suffered from cavities. Australopithecus had small brains and large teeth. With these hominids, dietary change was the lead factor in tooth decay.
It is believed the consumption of plant food containing carbohydrates as well as rice cultivation were lead cavity causers.
Between one and 4 million years ago hominids, living in Eastern Africa called Australopithecus suffered from cavities. Australopithecus had small brains and large teeth. With these hominids, dietary change was the lead factor in tooth decay.
It is believed the consumption of plant food containing carbohydrates as well as rice cultivation were lead cavity causers.